Chinchillas were originally brought into the United States as a source of pelts for the fur industry. Their hair is very soft and dense. Now they are most common as endearing pets. The chinchilla is available today in pet stores in a variety of colours including charcoal, albino, beige, silver, lilac, buff, light charcoal and ebony.


Chinchillas require a cage large enough for the animal to run around in. A cage 2 to 3 feet long and 18 inches high and wide is adequate. They prefer a cage with a solid bottom but, the cage could have a wire bottom if the wire is covered with bedding. Chinchillas like to run, climb and jump so a cage that contains some shelves is a good choice.

The food dish should be heavy enough so that the chinchilla will not be able to tip it over. A ceramic or metal dish can be used. Water should be provided in a water bottle. A guinea pig size water bottle is adequate.

The bedding material in the chinchilla cage should be soft pine shavings, kiln dried. Aspen bedding is also acceptable. Newspaper is ok, but it wont absorb much, it might stain the chin’s fur, and they will gleefully rip it to shreds. NEVER use cedar bedding as it is toxic to chins. Also, corn cob bedding is unacceptable, it carries mites that will infest your chinny. Cat litter isn’t a good idea either. The scented kind is toxic, and the clay kind will stick to the chin’s fur. Climbing branches can be added to the cage if no shelves are available. Hardwood is best because the material can be chewed without danger to your pet.

Wooden blocks can also be used to satisfy the need to chew. Chinchillas teeth, like those of rabbits, continue to grow throughout their lives. Chew toys are necessary for good dental hygiene, keeping the teeth worn down. They will also provide your pet with useful diversion. A wheel will provide your pet with exercise. Make sure you purchase one large enough for the chinchilla.


The chinchilla’s natural instinct is to roll in volcanic dust in an effort to stay clean by removing excess moisture and oils from their dense coats. Chinchilla dust is extremely important because they do not bathe in water as other animals do. Keep about 2 inches of chinchilla dust in the container. The dust does not get dirty but needs to be replaced from time to time. The healthy chinchilla has no odour and they do not attract fleas, mites or lice. The proper size dust container is about 6 inches wide, 12 inches long, and 6 inches deep. A small cat litter pan will serve the purpose nicely, but do not use any type of cat litter in this pan. The chemicals added to cat litter can be dangerous.


Chinchillas choose to eliminate in one corner of the cage; this area should be cleaned daily. The bedding should be replaced and the cage cleaned at least once a week using a mild soap or bleach solution. Make sure that the cage is totally dry before replacing the litter. The food dish should be cleaned and dried completely before replacing the food. The water bottle should be cleaned using a bottle brush and the metal spout should be cleaned thoroughly as well. Clean, and replace as necessary, any of the chinchilla dust.


Clean, fresh water should be available at all times. Make sure that it is checked more frequently during hot, humid days. Chinchillas are easy animals to feed. A basic, high quality chinchilla diet should be available at all times. Make sure that you purchase chinchilla pellets when buying food for your pet. Rabbit or guinea pig pellets do not contain the necessary nutrients required for chinchillas. Chinchilla pellets should contain about 18% protein, 2.5% fat, 15% fibre, 9% ash and 2% added minerals. The ingredients of chinchilla pellets can consist of alfalfa meal, ground barley, ground oats, soybean meal and wheat germ meal.

Treats and supplements should be provided in order to provide a varied diet. Vegetables (lettuce and members of the cabbage family should be avoided), corn, apples, carrots, and raisins can all be used to supplement the chinchilla’s diet. You want the chinchilla to eat mainly the pellets, so feed treats on a limited basis, using very small amounts each time and removing any uneaten portions to avoid spoilage. Alfalfa cubes can be used. These provide additional nutrients and also chewing exercise. Vitamins or food supplements can be added to the food or water.


Chinchillas are very timid animals and they need love and attention from the very beginning. Try to find a pet that is as young as possible. Allow him to smell your hand before you attempt to handle him. Speak to him in a gentle, soothing voice. They should be handled in much the same way as rabbits; that is, one hand under the chest and the other supporting the hind legs. This makes the chinchilla feel secure. As is the case with most rodents, chinchillas are nocturnal, they are more active at night than during the day. They should be given a quiet environment in which to rest approximately 10 – 12 hours each day.

A chinchilla will live from 15 to 25 years. Pairs of chinchillas make good pets and live together well, but keep in mind that they will reproduce. Two males should be avoided because they may fight. Chinchillas mature at the age of five months. The breeding conditions and their behaviour is very similar to rabbits.

The gestation period is about 110 days with generally small litters – perhaps one or two young. The babies are born with their eyes open and they can easily crawl. The dust box should be emptied once the babies are born to prevent them from becoming matted with dust. The babies will stay with the mother for about 6 weeks, at which time they will be able to eat and drink on their own.


Like a dog or cat, their fur acts as an insulator in winter and an air conditioner in the summer. They should never be given a bath because their fur is so dense and they are very difficult to dry. The nails can be trimmed by a file to prevent scratches. Chinchillas can be brushed using a soft cat or dog brush.

Chinchillas do not carry diseases but they can catch cold very easily. For this reason, every attempt should be made to keep them out of drafts. Keep the litter clean at all times because dampness in the litter could cause health problems.

if you found this article informative please take a look at these other articles related to birds.

General Questions

Do Ruffin’s stores sell items made in China?

Products made in China are almost impossible to avoid in any store these days so yes Ruffin’s stores do have products from China. With suppliers bringing things in from all over the world we will inevitably have products like toys, dishes, aquarium ornaments, cages etc. from China. What we don’t have are any foods or treats or chews from China

Does Ruffin’s carry raw food for dogs?

Yes most of the Ruffin’s store carry frozen raw diets available in a variety of meats.

How many Ruffin’s stores are there?

There are currently 14 Ruffin’s stores located though out Southern Ontario. Check our store locator for one near you.


My cat had FUS crystals, he had the operation to remove them and is now on a food from the Vet that is very expensive. Is there an alternative?

I hate to go against what your Vet is telling you so I will suggest you discuss my answer with them before switching foods. That being said my answer is yes there are alternatives. Companies like Hills and Royal Canin that make the Vet diets also make Urinary diets that are available at pet stores. Stop in at your local Ruffin’s and our staff will be glad to show you your choices.

Should I give my cat catnip?

Sure, catnip is an all natural product that contains no harmful ingredients. Pick out a good quality catnip or catnip toy (hold it up to your nose you should be able to smell it) and introduce it to you cat. Observe your cat and if you feel they get a little too excited for your liking simply stop using it. Catnip is not addictive and will cause and long term affects. I should note that some cats have little or no reaction to catnip but don’t be disappointed just find something else you cat likes.

I just got a new kitten what kind of cat litter should I use?

The world of cat litter just keeps expanding with new offering made of the most unusual materials popping up all the time. The most popular litter is clumping clay litter, low cost combined with great odor reduction keep this litter on top. How ever we don’t recommend clumping litter for young kittens as they tend to ingest the litter while grooming. For kitten I prefer a regular non clumping clay letter or one of the alternative litters made from Pine, Wheat, Corn or grass like Smart Cat.

Should I feed my cats wet food or dry?

This is an endless debate and I see nothing wrong with feeding either food or even mixing the two. The quality available in dry foods today would have astounded me 20 years ago. It is now easy to find good diets containing high levels of protein that cats readily eat on any pet store’s shelves. Canned or wet foods remain popular with many due to the varied diets and healthy ingredients they offer to the cats we love. For me it comes down to a matter of preference and time. Dry foods offer perfectly healthy balanced diets with convenience at a slightly lower cost than canned.


My dog is finicky and I have a hard time finding a food she likes. She like Beneful but I want to feed something better, what food works for finicky dogs?

This is one of the most asked questions in our stores. Finding a food your dog loves to eat can sometimes be very hard. All I can suggest is that you experiment. There are lot of very high quality palatable foods out there. Try different protein sources like Duck, Fish or Venison. One of the foods I often recommend for fussy eaters is Oven baked Tradition OBT for short. Oven baked is the only company that baked their food in ovens like you would a cookie the result is a mouth feel and bite many dogs like. Switching off Beneful can be difficult, you see Beneful uses sugar in their food, there’s no reason for it except dogs love the taste, it’s not good for them and it can make it hard to get dogs to change foods but the health benefits are worth the effort.

My dog has fleas what do I do?

External parasites like fleas, ticks, and mosquitos can make your pets life miserable and can carry disease. My preference is to use flea drops from companies like Zodiac and Infestop. They work quickly and keep on working for up to a month. Just make sure you get the drops right down to the skin when applying. For fleas around the home I prefer the 1-2 punch of a fast acting less expensive insecticide using pyrethrins in main areas along with a residual insecticide for cracks and crevices, under furniture etc. where fleas like to hide. Nothing can replace vacuuming for ridding a home of fleas

Can Cockatiels learn to talk?

Yes Cockatiels, Budgies and many other birds in the parakeet family can be taught to mimic words, sounds and whistles. Patience and repetition are important. Start with simple single syllable words and build your birds vocabulary from there.

How can I tell if the Budgie I have is a boy or a girl?

Budgies are one of the easiest pet birds to sex. If your bird is an adult look at the cere (nostrils above the beak). On an adult male it should be blue and a female will be brown. On juvenile birds the male is a light violet and the female is a light blue.

My dog is finicky and I have a hard time finding a food she likes. She like Beneful but I want to feed something better, what food works for finicky dogs?

This is one of the most asked questions in our stores. Finding a food your dog loves to eat can sometimes be very hard. All I can suggest is that you experiment. There are lot of very high quality palatable foods out there. Try different protein sources like Duck, Fish or Venison. One of the foods I often recommend for fussy eaters is Oven baked Tradition OBT for short. Oven baked is the only company that baked their food in ovens like you would a cookie the result is a mouth feel and bite many dogs like. Switching off Beneful can be difficult, you see Beneful uses sugar in their food, there’s no reason for it except dogs love the taste, it’s not good for them and it can make it hard to get dogs to change foods but the health benefits are worth the effort.

My dog has fleas what do I do?

External parasites like fleas, ticks, and mosquitos can make your pets life miserable and can carry disease. My preference is to use flea drops from companies like Zodiac and Infestop. They work quickly and keep on working for up to a month. Just make sure you get the drops right down to the skin when applying. For fleas around the home I prefer the 1-2 punch of a fast acting less expensive insecticide using pyrethrins in main areas along with a residual insecticide for cracks and crevices, under furniture etc. where fleas like to hide. Nothing can replace vacuuming for ridding a home of fleas.


How can I tell if Budgie I have is a boy or a girl ?

Budgies are one of the easiest pet birds to sex . If your bird is an adult look at the care (nostrils above the beak). On an adult male it should be blue and a female will be brown . on juvenile birds the male is a light violet and female is a light blue .

Can Cockatiels learn to talk ?

Yes Cockatiels budgies and many other bird in the parakeet family can be taught to mimic word, sounds and whistles . patience and repetition are impotent . start with simple single syllable word and build your birds vocabulary from there.

Fish and Aquarium

How often do I have to clean my aquarium?

Aquarium maintenance will vary based on the number of fish, size of tank and filtration but a good rule of thumb is to remove 10-25% of the water in the tank once a month. The water should be taken from the bottom of the aquarium using a gravel siphon. Remember to treat the replacement water to remove chlorine.

Can I put goldfish in with my tropical fish?

This would depend on a number of factors but in general it is not a good idea to mix goldfish and tropical fishes. The warm water favoured by tropical may be too warm for coldwater loving goldfish.

I hear I am supposed to add salt to my fish tank, how much do I add?

Yes salt is beneficial to your fish and improves the aquarium environment. Add the salt slowly to a maximum of 1- 2 teaspoons per gallon. Only add salt if you are replacing water and only I ratio to the amount of water you are adding. Don’t add more salt if you add water due to evaporation. Remember not all fish tolerate salt well, South American Tetras and Cory Cats do not tolerate salt well while Mollies do well with even more.


I’m getting a Crested Geckco and I’m not sure what to feed her?

Crested Geckos eat a slightly varied diet that can include fruits and insects. I like to feed live crickets along with powdered complete diets like Repashy or Exo Terra’s Ready to eat food cups.

Small Animals

I think my hamster is pregnant, when should expect babies?

A hamster’s gestation period is about 16 to 30 days depending on what type of hamster you have. The gestation period for a common or Syrian hamster is 16 days; for dwarf and Chinese hamsters it is 18 – 21 days, and for Roborovski Hamsters it is 23 – 30 days.

My ferret smells bad. I’ve only had him a short time and he descented but still smells.

Ferrets, even descented ones, still have a slight odour but it shouldn’t be that bad. Make sure the bedding is clean including washing any fabric beds and toys in your ferret’s home. Bathing your ferret with a good quality ferret shampoo or even a shampoo designed for deskunking will help.

My rabbit has red pee is she okay?

Red or blood in the urine is always a concern and a Vet should be consulted. However sometimes rabbits will have red in their urine from excess calcium. Does your rabbit have a Calcium block in their enclosure. Don’t leave calcium blocks in your rabbits home at all times as it can lead to excessive calcium intake.

How long will my hamster live?

The life expectancy of hamsters varies by the breed. Common short haired hamster will live approximately 3 years, teddy bear hamster 2-3 years, Roborovski hamsters 3-4 years. Proper care and good nutrition will help your hamster live a longer happier life.